Minggu, 02 Maret 2008

Validation Of Your Site Code
It is very important to do a W3c Validation of your code to get high search engine rankings and targeted adsense code from Google Adsense.

When a webmaster writes a scope for a website he / she is always tends to write more on design, house colors for the site and some reference sites. Some actually give the url’s of 2-3 websites and want to incorporate some elements from one site and some from the other. But very few write about how the code should be written. Many still do not understand the importance of HTML code validation and cross browser issues. Majority of the people are unaware of what is W3C?

What is W3C???

W3C is World Wide Web Consortium provides / sets guide lines, software and tools for the web to function smoothly and to realized its full potentials. They have published more than 80 standards, which are called the World Wide Web Consortium recommendations its members fund this consortium but its products are free.

Tim Berners-Lee Director of W3C.

W3C is an international body international jointly hosted by the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science in the USA and in Europe by INRIA who provide both local support and performing core development. The W3C was initially established in collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated, and with support from DARPA and the European Commission."

Why validate HTML?

HTML validation is to check if your page is error free. The page has to comply with the standards set by W3C.

HTML validation up to a large extent can solve cross browser issues. The page u create may look perfect in your browser but it might look different in another browser. Working with W3C standards will make sure that your site is more likely to work perfect in all the browsers.

More audience is more traffic. Good code = Good crawling of robots. Validated code ensures that your website is read by search engineers and thus generating your websites in their searches. A very simple error of closing a paragraph tag
can get your site ranking down.

My notion is to give provide everything which is preferred by search engines and eliminate or minimize which is not preferred (flash) or not crawled by robots ( JavaScript).

It’s a developer’s job to check for a validation and cross browser issues. Validation is zero errors and zero warnings. HTML validator checks grammars like a

paragraph tag open has to be closed

. If this tag is not closed the validator will shoot an error. A validated website will increase a web developers marketability.

New to XHTML??

XHTML stands for EXtensible HyperText Markup Language. XHTML is a markup language and is a reformation of HTML. HTML describes your website structure of text, images and animations. The html code written for your website has to come with zero errors and zero warnings. XHTML is also a markup language. It is same as HTML but more strict syntax. XHTML is an application of XML.

Features of XHTML

It is case sensitive. All elements should be in lower case
All elements like

paragraphs must be explicitly closed.
  • All elements and attribute names must appear in lower case
  • All attribute values must be quoted
  • Nn-Empty Elements require a closing tag
  • Empty elements are terminated using a space and a trailing slash
  • No attribute minimization is allowed

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